Link to surprise Party - Millers Rentals Tent Rental Chair Rental Table Rental Stage Rental

(732) 985-3050

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Don't be caught out in the rain...
rent your tent now!

 We are always happy to help provide equipment for your surprise party.  In order for us to work with you to keep this event a surprise, you will need to abide by the following guidelines:

  • Please provide telephone, fax, cell, or beeper numbers and/or email addresses where we can reach you at any time prior, during and after the function.
  • If you are not available please provide a secondary contact person and numbers
  • All payment arrangements need to be agreed to in advance of delivery
  • We deliver our equipment in large trucks that cannot always be hidden from view. Please keep this in mind while planning your surprise
  • In the event of harsh weather, sometimes alternative arrangements will have to be made. A tent cannot be put up in thunderstorms when lightening is present.  Standard procedure is to install tenting 2 or 3 days in advance of event to allow backup days for weather related situations
  • Please allow enough time for us to complete our work
  • It may be necessary for us to charge a premium if earlier setups or removals are required
  • Please reserve your equipment well in advance of the event

We will do our best to keep your event a surprise

 Please fill out the attached form below and return to us


MAIN CONTACT:            


 NAME: :_____________________________
 PHONE#1 :_____________________________
 PHONE#2 :_____________________________
 FAX# :_____________________________
 BEEPER :_____________________________
 EMAIL :_____________________________
 LOCATION OF EVENT :_____________________________
 DATE AND TIME OF EVENT :_____________________________
 DIRECTIONS TO EVENT :_____________________________
 SPECIAL NOTES :_____________________________

Please print this form and return to us via fax at 732-985-4415 or email at


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